In our meandering through life we are sometimes lucky enough to stumble upon another who seems to hear us when we speak, and we are drawn, almost entranced at times to listen when they speak to us. And so, we engage the discussion, sometimes most fervently, because at last it feels as though more of what we say is being heard, and more of what is being said to us we can truly, clearly, immediately understand.
After months of our conversations; nights upon days upon nights of discourse – long, heated, tearful, impassioned discussions, not the dissertations of armchair adepts, parable laden, obtuse and riddling, but an unconditional airing of truths as I had never heard them – I asked Mr. Jones to tell me the meaning of life, to which he promptly retorted, “How the fuck would I know!” It was then that I first realized that he was truly enlightened.
Immediately upon the realization, I asked to follow him, to which he responded, “Follow me? I don’t go anywhere.”
Realizing this was true, I asked if he would at least write down all that he knew so that I could read it, and spread his wisdom where ever I went. He said, “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
I said, “Wait a minute! I know that song! You didn’t write that…”
“Oh, alright then,” he said. You take dictation?… Gimme a beer and a turkey sandwich, and let’s get goin’.”
These then are some of the things he told me… Read More →